Cr Ryan Murphy

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Don’t break up Wakerley!

You may be aware that the Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) is undertaking a redistribution (or boundary change) of Brisbane City Council.

This is done every few years to ensure that the 26 wards across the city have roughly the same amount of people living in them.

The ECQ has released its proposed boundaries for the 2015 redistribution and both Cr Adrian Schrinner (Chandler Ward) and I hold significant concerns about how the changes affect Wakerley. You can read about these concerns in the letter at the bottom of the page.

The Commission are now calling for objections to their proposed boundaries and we have until 5pm on Monday 3 August 2015 to let them know. I’m asking all residents to let the ECQ know they don’t want to see Wakerley broken up.

You can make a submission by emailing, I've included a pro forma submission at the bottom of this page you can use to help you.

Alternatively, you can lodge an objection via the ECQ's webform here:

Thank you for taking the time to learn about this important issue for our area and remember, “Don’t Break up Wakerley!”

If you would like to view the maps or find out further information, the link to the ECQ website is below.

<Insert date>
Change Commissioner
Local Government Change Commission
GPO Box 1393, BRISBANE, QLD 4001
Dear Change Commissioner,
I write to comment on the ECQ’s Re-division Proposal to split Wakerley in two down a North/South line near Tilley Road. I do not support these changes for the reasons outlined below.
Firstly, Wakerley has always been represented by one federal MP, one state MP and one Brisbane City Councillor. Your proposal will cause there to be an ‘eastern’ Wakerley and a ‘western’ Wakerley represented by two different councillors. As residents, our voice is always stronger when we can speak as one. Splitting the suburb will dilute the voices of Wakerley’s nine-thousand residents as half will have a different Councillor.
Secondly, the boundary ECQ has proposed is awkward. Rather than choosing a formed road or a landmark that everyone knows, the ECQ propose to divide the suburb down a future road corridor which won’t be built for years. Electoral boundaries are hard for residents to remember as it is without placing them on roads that don’t exist. This will lead to confusion from Wakerley residents about which electorate they reside in.
Lastly, the changes are unnecessary- both Doboy Ward and Chandler Ward are within population tolerances now and into the future. Wakerley has a strong community of interest as the urban part of a rural lifestyle area. The previous boundaries reflected that. The ECQ’s Determination Report says, “Communities of interest should be respected and suburb boundaries matched where practicable.” I ask you respect this principle in Wakerley’s favour, given there are better alternatives for the Commission to achieve it’s outcomes.
In summary, I OBJECT to the changes made to the suburb of Wakerley as part of the Brisbane City Council Re-division and request that the suburb of Wakerley should remain wholly within Doboy Ward.

Kind regards,

<Insert name>

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